TAAU | | | IN | Timescan Logistics (India) Ltd. | www.timescan.in/ | |
TABB | | tab | FR | Transports Auto Brunier SA. | www.tab-transports.com/ | |
TABU | | taby | BM | Stolt Tank Containers Leasing Ltd. | www.stolt-nielsen.com/ | |
TACU | | | PA | East Circle Investment Corporation | | |
TACU | | tama | JP | Tama Chemicals Co., Ltd. | www.tama-chem.co.jp/ | |
TACU | | t.a.cargas | AR | Cargas | www.argentina.gob.ar/transporte/trenes-argentinos-cargas | |
TAEU | | | AE | Taqat Al Aret LLC. (UAQ Branch) | | |
TAFU | | | RE | Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises | taaf.fr/ | |
TAHU | | ta asia | SG | TA Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd. | taasia.sg/ | |
TAIU | | | US | Stolt Tank Containers Leasing Ltd. | www.stolt-nielsen.com/ | |
TAKU | | tanto | ID | PT. Tanto Intim Line | www.tantonet.com/ | |
TALU | | alfred talke | DE | Alfred Talke Logistic Services GmbH. & Co. KG. | www.talke.com/ | |
TAMU | | milestone | US | Milestone Equipment Holdings LLC. | www.milecorp.com/ | |
TANU | | tacon | DE | TaCon GmbH.Tank & Container Services | www.tacontank.de/ | |
TANU | | tahan | | | | |
TANU | | tanarmu chemical industrial plc | CN | Tanarmu Chemical Industrial Plc. | | |
TAPU | | | SG | Tokuyama Electronic Chemicals Pte. Ltd. | www.tokuyama.co.jp/ | |
TAQU | | | | | | |
TARU | | tarros | IT | Tarros Spa. Compagnia di navigazione | www.tarros.it/ | |
TASU | | tankspan | GB | Tankspan Leasing Ltd. | www.tankspan.com/ | |
TASU | | grupamar | ES | GrupaMar S.A. | www.grupamar.es/ | |
TATU | | trans asia | PH | Trans-Asia Shipping Lines Inc. | www.transasiashipping.com/ | |
TATU | | | TT | Trinidad Distillers Ltd. | www.angostura.com/ | |
TAUU | | | | | | |
TAWU | | tailwind | DE | Tailwind Shipping Lines GmbH. & Co. KG. | tailwind-shipping.com/ | |
TAXU | | | | | | |
TAXU | | | NL | Tank Asset Management BV. | tam-containers.com/ | |
TAYU | | euconsa | ES | Europea de Contenedores S.A. | euconsa.es/ | |
TBBU | | crct | CN | China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.crct.com/ | |
TBCU | | | CN | China Railway Container Transport Co., Ltd. | www.crct.com/ | |
TBCU | | tbea | CN | Xinjiang TBEA Group Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.tbea.com/ | |
TBCU | | tasbulk | AU | Tasbulk Pty. Ltd. | www.tasbulk.com.au/ | |
TBCU | | | US | The Boeing Company | www.boeing.com/ | |
TBGU | | crct | CN | China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.crct.com/ | |
TBHU | | tasbulk | AU | Tasbulk Pty. Ltd. | www.tasbulk.com.au/ | |
TBJU | | china railway | CN | China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.crct.com/ | |
TBKS | | | JP | | | |
TBKU | | | JP | Teijn Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.teijin.com/ | |
TBLU | | | | | | |
TBLU | | crct | CN | China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.crct.com/ | |
TBNU | | tabaknatie | BE | Tabaknatie NV. | www.tabaknatie.be/ | |
TBPU | | china railway | CN | China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.crct.com/ | |
TBQU | | china railway | CN | China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.crct.com/ | |
TBSU | | | AU | Timber Building Systems Pty. Ltd. | www.tbsaus.com.au/ | |
TBTU | | tasbulk | AU | Tasbulk Pty. Ltd. | www.tasbulk.com.au/ | |
TBUU | | | AU | True Blue Containers (2005) Pty. Ltd. | www.truebluecontainers.com.au/ | |
TBXU | | | BR | Bomag Marini Equipamentos Ltda. | bomagmarini.com.br/ | |
TCBU | | titan | DK | Titan Container A/S. | www.titancontainers.com/ | |
TCBU | | trans-coastal | MY | Trans-Coastal Lines Sdn. Bhd. | www.trans-coastal.com/ | |
TCCU | | tccs | IT | Tank Container Cleaning Services | www.tccs.it/ | |
TCCU | | taiheiyo cement | JP | Taiheiyo Cement Corporation | www.taiheiyo-cement.co.jp/ | |
TCDU | | tinci | CN | Jiujiang Tinci Materials Technology Co., Ltd. | www.tinci.com/ | |
TCFU | | trans cl | RU | Trans-Chlor Company | trans-chlor.ru/ | |
TCGU | | | FR | Transport Cottard-Glenat-Chimie | transportscottard.fr/ | |
TCGU | | the container guy | CA | The Container Guy | thecontainerguy.ca/ | |
TCHU | | tcc | BR | Santos Container Ltda. | www.santoscontainer.com.br/ | |
TCIU | | titan | DK | Titan Containers A/S. | titancontainers.com/ | |
TCKU | | teck | CA | Teck Mining Company Ltd. | www.teck.com/ | |
TCKU | | triton | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TCLA | | team global express | AU | Team Global Express Pty. Ltd. | teamglobalexp.com/ | |
TCLU | | tal | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TCMU | | tcs | ES | TCS Trans sl. | www.tcstrans.com/ | |
TCNU | | triton | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TCOU | | tfm | RU | Jsc. Teco | tfm.su/ | |
TCPU | | transcorp | AU | Transcorp Removals and Storage Pty. Ltd. | www.transcorpremovalsandstorage.com.au/ | |
TCPU | | trans-chem | PL | Trans-Chem Sp. z o.o. | www.trans-chem.net/ | |
TCRU | | | AE | Techno Container Repair LLC | www.technocontainers.com/ | |
TCRU | | cimc-tcrc | HK | Trans - China Express (HK) Co., Ltd. | www.trans-china.com/ | |
TCSU | | tankcon | NL | Tankcon International Supplier | www.tankcon.com/ | |
TCSU | | tang | MY | Tang Container and Services Sdn. Bhd. | www.tang.com.my/ | |
TCSU | | tcs | JP | Tsuruga Chemical Services Co., Ltd. | www.tsurugachemical-s.com/ | |
TCSU | | | | | | |
TCTU | | ticiti | CH | TiCiTi S.A. | www.ticiti.ch/ | |
TCUU | | trifleet | NL | Trifleet Leasing Holding BV. | trifleet.com/ | |
TCVU | | tws | DE | TWS Tankcontainer Leasing GmbH. & Co. KG. | www.tws-gmbh.de/ | |
TCXU | | | GB | Transmit Containers Ltd. | www.transmitcontainers.co.uk/ | |
TCZU | | triple crown | US | Triple Crown Services, Inc. | www.triplecrownsvc.com/ | |
TDAU | | | GB | British Armed Forces | www.army.mod.uk/ | |
TDAU | | trident | AE | Trident Line Shipping & Logistics LLC. | | |
TDCU | | tradecorp | ID | PT. Tradecorp Indonesia | kontainerindonesia.co.id/ | |
TDDS | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TDEU | | tds | AE | TDS Shipping LLC. | www.tdsshipping.ae/ | |
TDGU | | | RU | Transport Development Group LLC. | trdg.ru/ | |
TDIU | | | CA | Tessier Limitée | tessierltee.com/ | |
TDIU | | tianjin consol | CN | Tianjin Consol International Group Co., Ltd. | www.tianjinconsol.com/ | |
TDIU | | tds | IR | Torang Darya Shipping Co., Ltd. | www.torangdarya.com/ | |
TDLU | | tdl | HK | Trans Distance Line Ltd. | www.transdistanceline.com/ | |
TDRU | | | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TDSU | | | SG | Trident International Industry Pte. Ltd. | tridentinl.net/ | |
TDTU | | | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TEAU | | | US | Teakdecking Systems Inc. | www.teakdecking.com/ | |
TEBU | | | RU | Trans Sibgrupp Ltd. | www.tebu.ru/ | |
TECU | | | KW | Technology Industrial Gases Production Co. | www.technogas-kw.com/ | |
TECU | | | JP | Tokyo Eco Service Co., Ltd. | www.tokyoecoservice.co.jp/ | |
TEDU | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TEDU | | agunsa | CL | Agencia Universales SA. | www.contenedoresagunsa.cl/ | |
TEEU | | | BE | Cryo -Tec BVBA. | | |
TEFU | | tf2040 | RU | TF2040 | | |
TEGU | | temas line | ID | PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas TBK. | www.temasline.com/ | |
TEIU | | trans-eurasia | CN | Beijing Trans Eurasia International Logistics Co.,Ltd. | www.trans-eurasia.com/ | |
TEIU | | triple eight | CA | Triple Eight Transport Inc. | triple8.ca/ | |
TEMU | | | SE | Tankmobil AB. | tankmobil.se/ | |
TEMU | | tex | BM | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TENU | | | US | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TEOU | | transgeo | RU | Transgeo LLC. | www.transgeo.ru/ | |
TEPA | | transexpedition | PL | TransExpedition Polska Sp. z.o.o. | pl.transexpedition.by/ | |
TEPU | | | PL | TransExpedition Polska Sp. z.o.o. | pl.transexpedition.by/ | |
TEPU | | | JP | Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd. | www.tepco.co.jp/ | |
TERU | | tecniruta | ES | Tecniruta - Concisa S.A. | tecniruta-concisa.com/ | |
TERU | | | ID | | | |
TESU | | | ES | Termisur Eurocargo S.A. | www.termisur.es/ | |
TESU | | tesco | GB | Tesco Plc. | www.tesco.com/ | |
TETU | | tetra4 | ZA | Renergen Ltd. | www.renergen.co.za/ | |
TEVP | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TEVU | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TEXU | | tex | BM | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TEXU | | terra cat | NZ | Terra Industrial New Zealand Ltd. | www.terracat.co.nz/ | |
TFCU | | fagioli | IT | Fagioli SpA. | www.fagioli.com/ | |
TFEU | | transfennica | FI | Transfennica Ltd. | www.transfennica.com/ | |
TFEU | | spliethoff | NL | Spliethoff Bevrachtingskantoor BV. | www.spliethoff.com/ | |
TFGU | | tfg | DE | DB Cargo AG. | www.deutschebahn.com/ | |
TFHU | | | GB | DHL Fleet Support Engineer | www.dhl.com/ | |
TFKU | | | HK | Tengfei Container Ltd. | www.tengfeicontainer.com/ | |
TFLU | | | SG | Transfar Shipping Pte. Ltd. | | |
TFMU | | tfm | RU | TFM Teco Maritime LLC. | tfm.su/ | |
TFNU | | | TW | Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. Miaoli Plant | www.taifer.com.tw/ | |
TFRE | | lahaye | FR | Trans-Fer | www.lahaye-global-logistics.com/ | |
TFRU | | trafuco | BE | Trafuco NV. | trafuco.eu/ | |
TFRU | | teifer sa. | ES | Contenedores Teifer s.a. | www.teifer.com/ | |
TFSU | | | US | TFS Gas LLC. | www.tfsgas.com/ | |
TFXU | | felix | ES | Transportes Félix E. Hijos S.L. | www.transportesfelix.com/ | |
TGAU | | | PL | Techglass Sp. z.o.o. | www.techglass.pl/ | |
TGBU | | tex | BM | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TGCU | | touax | FR | Touax sca. | www.touax.com/ | |
TGEU | | | TW | Taiwan Specialty Chemicals Corporation | www.tscs.com.tw/ | |
TGFU | | | | | | |
TGGU | | tiger gas | CN | Tiger Gas (Shanghai) Ltd. | | |
TGHU | | tex | BM | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TGIU | | taewoong | KR | Taewoong Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.e-tgl.com/ | |
TGLU | | | TR | TLS Global Lojistik A.S. | www.tlslojistik.com/ | |
TGMU | | | | | | |
TGMU | | time global shipping | AE | Time Global Shipping LLC. | www.timeglobalshipping.com/ | |
TGOU | | tankgo | AE | TankGo Worldwide Dmcc. | tankgo.ae/ | |
TGPU | | | US | The Genset Pool Leasing LLC. | www.gensetpool.com/ | |
TGRU | | stg | RU | Spectransgarant LLC. | www.fesco.ru/ | |
TGSU | | | FR | Touax Group | www.touax.com/ | |
TGTU | | tgt | CN | Ningbo Transocean Global Transportation Co., Ltd. | www.nbtgt.com/ | |
TGUU | | | SG | TranceGlobal Logistics Pte. Ltd. | www.tranceglobal.sg/ | |
TGVU | | transgulf | US | Logix Capital LLC. | www.transgulfship.com/ | |
THAU | | tonghui gas | CN | Chongqing Tonghui Gas Co., Ltd. | www.cqthqt.cn/ | |
THEU | | | IT | Thermocar S.r.l. | www.thermocar.com/ | |
THGU | | tiger containers | AU | Tiger Container Hire, Sales & Modifications Pty. Ltd. | www.tigershippingcontainers.com.au/ | |
THJU | | | CN | Shenzhen Tehuajian Adamantite Structure Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | | |
THKU | | thk | RU | Tank-Container Petrochemical Company Ltd. | www.tnku.ru/ | |
THLU | | | US | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
THLU | | tigertainer | CN | TigerTainer | tigertainer.com/ | |
THNU | | | CN | Chengdu Tianhan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. | www.tianhanscm.com/ | |
THPU | | | IT | Italmatch Chemicals SpA. | www.italmatch.com/ | |
THQU | | | MX | Thor Quimicos de Mexico S.A. de C.V. | www.thor.com/ | |
THSU | | | RU | Trading House "Sintez-Oil" Ltd. | sintez-oil.com/ | |
THTU | | | JP | Toho Titanium Co., Ltd. | www.toho-titanium.co.jp/ | |
THTU | | | CN | Trans-Hope International Supply Chain Co., Ltd. | www.th-logistics.com/ | |
TIBU | | tacon | DE | TaCon GmbH. Tank & Container Services | www.tacontank.de/ | |
TICU | | cti | IT | Liverani Group SpA. | www.liveranigroup.com/ | |
TIDU | | ti2 | SG | Ti2Logistics Pte. Ltd. | www.ti2shipping.com/ | |
TIFU | | trifleet | NL | Trifleet Leasing Holding BV. | trifleet.com/ | |
TIGU | | tiger containers | AU | Tiger Container Hire, Sales & Modifications Pty. Ltd. | www.tigershippingcontainers.com.au/ | |
TIHU | | tradecorp | HK | Tradecorp International Hong Kong Ltd. | tradecorpshippingcontainers.com/ | |
TIIU | | triton | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TILU | | tec | GB | Tec International Ltd. | tecint.co.uk/ | |
TILU | | transpek | IN | Transpek Industries Ltd. | www.transpek.com/ | |
TIMU | | | IE | Alpsanna Ltd. | | |
TINB | | cronos | BB | Seaco S.r.l. (for Toll International) | www.seacoglobal.com/ | |
TINT | | cronos | BB | Seaco S.r.l. (for Toll International) | www.seacoglobal.com/ | |
TINU | | | GB | Venator Materials PLC. | www.venatorcorp.com/ | |
TIOU | | | FR | Onet Technologies TI | www.groupeonet.com/ | |
TIPU | | tip | NL | TIP Trailer Services Management BV. | www.tipeurope.com/ | |
TIRU | | | AE | Tigris Logistics and Shipping LLC. | www.tigrisshipping.com/ | |
TISA | | transitalia | IT | Trans Italia Srl. | www.transitalia.it/ | |
TISD | | railcontainers | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TISU | | | RU | Transport Industrial Service | www.oootis.com/ | |
TISU | | | HK | Transocean Equipment Ltd. | | |
TITU | | titan | DK | Titan Containers A/S. | titancontainers.com/ | |
TIVU | | transinsular | CV | Transinsular Cabo Verde | www.csa.cv/ | |
TIZU | | tiz | UA | TIZ Karbo-gaz | www.tizkarbogaz.com.ua/ | |
TJKU | | tjk | JP | | | |
TJLU | | | CN | Yunnan Tengjin Logistics Co., Ltd. | www.gallops.cn/ | |
TJPU | | dovechem | SG | TJS Pte. Ltd. | chemstationasia.com/ | |
TJPU | | | CN | Xi'an International Port Zone | en.itl.xa.gov.cn/ | |
TJYU | | sumitomo | JP | Sumitomo Corporation | www.sumitomocorp.com/ | |
TJZU | | | CN | Hangzhou Tieji Freight Co., Ltd. | www.tieji56.com/ | |
TKCU | | consert | IT | ConserT S.r.l. | www.consertsrl.it/ | |
TKCU | | tosoh | JP | Tosoh Corporation. | www.tosoh.com/ | |
TKIU | | tki | US | Tom Kraemer Inc. | tomkraemerinc.com/ | |
TKKU | | | PG | Trukai Industries Ltd. | www.trukai.com.pg/ | |
TKLU | | | CN | Shanghai Yuxin Container Leasing Co., Ltd. | shtank.cn.china.cn/ | |
TKLU | | | US | Tank Leasing Company | | |
TKMU | | | RU | Tankmaster Ltd. | www.tankmaster.expert/ | |
TKNU | | thermo king | NL | ThermoKing Transportkoeling BV. | www.thermoking.nl/ | |
TKPU | | | RU | Posrednik LLC. | | |
TKRU | | transcontainer | RU | Russian Container LLC. | trcont.com/ | |
TKTU | | | RU | TK LLC. | ta-tc.ru/ | |
TKYU | | | JP | Tokuyama Port | | |
TLBU | | | JP | Tosoh Logistics Corporation | www.tosoh-logi.co.jp/ | |
TLCU | | tschudi | PL | Unifeeder A/S. | tschudilogistics.com/ | |
TLEU | | contship | DE | Hapag Lloyd AG. | www.hapag-lloyd.com/ | |
TLGU | | | UA | Tegra Logistics LLC. | | |
TLGU | | twin logistics | US | Twin Logistics LLC. | | |
TLHU | | tong | SG | Tong Lee Huat Pte. Ltd. | tong-containers.com.sg/ | |
TLIC | | | | | | |
TLIU | | | US | TN Americas LLC. | www.orano.group/usa | |
TLLU | | tal | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TLMU | | tml | TM | Turkmen Milli Logistik Ojsc. | www.logistics.tm/ | |
TLNU | | trident | NL | Trident Container Leasing BV. | www.trident-containers.com/ | |
TLOU | | tanklog | DE | Tanklog GmbH. & Co. KG. | www.tanklog.de/ | |
TLRU | | | FR | Touax Group | www.touax.com/ | |
TLSU | | | RU | Transport Logistics Systems LLC. | www.tls-sib.ru/ | |
TLTU | | | TR | Tio Lojistik | www.tiolojistik.com.tr/ | |
TLVU | | tis | RU | TIS Logistic LLC. | tislogistic.ru/ | |
TLXU | | trans asia | IN | Trans Asian Shipping Services Ltd. | tassgroup.com/ | |
TLYU | | | TR | Sarp Intermodal Hizmetleri İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. | sarpintermodal.com/ | |
TMAU | | tianma | | | | |
TMBU | | | IL | Tambour Ltd. | tambour.co.il/ | |
TMCU | | transmar | EG | Transmar Shipping Company | www.transmar.com/ | |
TMDU | | | TT | Caribbean Gas Chemical Ltd. | www.cgcltt.com/ | |
TMEU | | helium gas | JP | Tomoe Shokai Co., Ltd. | www.tomoeshokai.co.jp/ | |
TMFU | | | | | | |
TMHU | | trimodal europe bv | NL | Trimodal Europe BV. | www.trimodal-europe.com/ | |
TMIU | | trifleet | NL | Trifleet Leasing Holding BV. | trifleet.com/ | |
TMKU | | turkmen line | TM | ES At-Abray | www.at-abray.com.tm/ | |
TMLA | | tailormade logistics | BE | Tailormade Logistics NV. | www.tailormade-logistics.com/ | |
TMLU | | tml | NL | Eurotainer S.A. | www.eurotainer.com/ | |
TMMU | | linea mexicana | DE | Hapag Lloyd AG. | www.hapag-lloyd.com/ | |
TMPU | | | FR | TMP TransModal Partenaires S.A. | tmp-sa.fr/ | |
TMQU | | | | | | |
TMSU | | | VN | Transimex Corporation | transimex.com.vn/ | |
TMSU | | total | MN | Mines Up LLC. | minesup.mn/ | |
TMTU | | gcatainer | NL | GCATainer BV. | www.charlesandre.com/ | |
TMUU | | prokorym | PL | Fuh Thomasz Prokorym | prokorym-logistics.pl/ | |
TMXU | | tmx | US | Norfolk Southern Corp. | www.norfolksouthern.com/ | |
TMYU | | transinsular | PT | Transportes Maritimos Insulares | transinsular.pt/ | |
TNAU | | tiong nam | MY | Tiong Nam Logistics Solutions Sdn. Bhd. | www.tiongnam.com/ | |
TNCU | | | JP | Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation | www.tn-sanso.co.jp/ | |
TNDU | | tci | IN | TCI Supply Chain Solutions | tcil.com/ | |
TNEU | | | CN | Xi'an New Era Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. | www.tnesupply.com/ | |
TNFU | | | IN | Tanfac Industries Ltd. | www.tanfac.com/ | |
TNIU | | | US | TN Americas LLC. | www.orano.group/usa/en/our-portfolio-expertise/used-fuel-management | |
TNKU | | logi-nex | JP | Logi-Nex Co., Ltd. | logi-nex.com/ | |
TNKU | | tankone | NL | TankOne BV. | www.tankone.nl/ | |
TNLU | | | AE | Casecap Containers and Commodities | coastalcontainerlines.com/ | |
TNOU | | | JP | Japan Ground Self-Defense Force | www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/ | |
TNOU | | hoyer | IL | Tanko International (97) Ltd. | www.tanko.global/ | |
TNPU | | | FR | Orano NPS | www.orano.group/fr/ | |
TNRU | | | RU | TechnoAzot R&P Ltd. | | |
TNSU | | tns | AE | Transnational Shipping Lines LLC. | tnsgroup.in/ | |
TNTU | | | JP | Mitsubishi Logisnext Co., Ltd. | www.logisnext.com/ | |
TNTU | | tnt | IT | TNT Global Express, Logistics & Mail | www.tnt.it/ | |
TNXU | | trans x | CA | TransX Ltd. | www.transx.com/ | |
TNZU | | | HK | Tridata Enterprise Ltd. | tridatallc.org/ | |
TNZU | | transit | RU | Transit LLC. | transitllc.ru/ | |
TOAU | | | JP | Toagosei Co., Ltd. | www.toagosei.co.jp/ | |
TOCU | | | TW | Taipei Oxygen & Gas Co. | | |
TODD | | trasporti fradelloni | IT | Fradelloni Rafaelle e Figli SpA. | www.fradelloni.it/ | |
TOEU | | | US | Transocean Equipment Management LLC. | www.transoceancontainers.net/ | |
TOFU | | isewan rikuun | JP | Isewan Rikuun | www.iseriku.jp/ | |
TOIU | | | RE | Grands Travaux de l'Ocean Indien | www.gtoi.fr/ | |
TOLH | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TOLU | | tol | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TOMU | | | DE | Thomas Muster Internationale Transporte GmbH. | | |
TOMU | | | LV | SIA "Jaunmīlgrāvja ostas kompānija" | www.jmosta.lv/ | |
TONU | | | BE | Tank One NV. | www.tank-one.com/ | |
TOPU | | toptainer | DE | Toptainer Containermanagement & Sales GmbH. | toptainer.com/ | |
TORE | | torwesten | DE | Torwesten Spedition GmbH. & Co. KG. | www.torwesten-spedition.de/ | |
TORU | | torm | DK | Maersk A/S. | www.maersk.com/ | |
TOSU | | | HK | Transocean Equipment Ltd. | | |
TOSU | | | AU | Tanks On Site Australia | www.tanksonsite.com.au/ | |
TOTU | | | IT | Servizi Logistici Integrati S.r.l. | www.slisrl.com/ | |
TOYU | | toyoinkgroup | JP | artience Co., Ltd. | www.artiencegroup.com/ | |
TPCU | | | CN | Zhejiang Tengpeng Chemical Co., Ltd. | | |
TPCU | | wan hai | HK | Wan Hai Lines Ltd. | www.wanhai.com/ | |
TPFU | | | FR | TPCO-Démolition | tpco-demolition.fr/ | |
TPHU | | tiphook | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TPKU | | | IN | Transpek Industry Ltd. | www.transpek.com/ | |
TPMU | | tpi | US | Exsif WorldWide Inc. | www.exsif.com/ | |
TPOT | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TPPU | | parus | RU | Parus LLC. | tpp.ru/ | |
TPSU | | | TW | BASF Taiwan Ltd. | www.basf.com/ | |
TPTU | | tiphook | US | Exsif Worldwide Inc. | www.exsif.com/ | |
TPUU | | magpol | TR | Magpol Kimya A.Ş. | magpolkimya.com/ | |
TPZU | | topaz marine | VN | Topaz Marine Co., Ltd. | topazmarine.vn/ | |
TQDU | | | CN | Chongqing Tongqu Special Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | | |
TQHU | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TQLU | | | CN | Taiqi (Tianjin) Sci & Tech Develop Co., Ltd. | | |
TQMU | | | PA | Intermodal Tank Transport Inc. | www.intermodaltank.com/ | |
TQRU | | ramirez | ES | Transportes Quimicos Ramirez sl. | www.tqramirez.com/ | |
TQSU | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TRAD | | transys | JP | Transys Ltd. | t-limited.jp/ | |
TRAH | | transys | JP | Transys Ltd. | t-limited.jp/ | |
TRAU | | | HK | Tradecorp International Hong Kong Ltd. | tradecorpshippingcontainers.com/ | |
TRAU | | transatlantic | RU | Transatlantic LLC. | transatlantic.pro/ | |
TRAW | | transys | JP | Transys Ltd. | t-limited.jp/ | |
TRBU | | cj darcl | IN | CJ Darcl Logistics Ltd. | cjdarcl.com/ | |
TRBU | | t.o. transport corporation | JP | T.O. Transport Corporation Hokkaido | | |
TRBU | | trns legend | JP | TRNS Sapporo | | |
TRBU | | trancy | JP | Japan Transcity Corporation | www.trancy.co.jp/ | |
TRBU | | tb | US | Trailer Bridge Inc. | www.trailerbridge.com/ | |
TRCU | | trancy | JP | Japan Transcity Corporation | www.trancy.co.jp/ | |
TRCU | | transat | SE | Svenska Orient Linien AB | www.sollines.se/ | |
TRDU | | transamerica | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TREU | | | US | TriEst Ag Group Inc. | triestag.com/ | |
TRFU | | trancy | JP | Japan Transcity Corporation | www.trancy.co.jp/ | |
TRGU | | trigas | VE | Trigas C.A. | www.trigas.com.ve/ | |
TRHU | | triton | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TRIU | | triton | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TRKU | | turkon | TR | Turkon Container Transportation & Shipping | www.turkon.com/ | |
TRLU | | transamerica | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TRMU | | | TR | Tarimsal Kimya A.S. | www.tarimsalkimya.com.tr/ | |
TRMU | | tramesa | ES | Transportes Mixtos Especiales S.A. | armandoalvarez.com/soluciones/logistica/ | |
TRNU | | transnet | GR | Transnet SA. | www.transnet.gr/ | |
TROU | | trancy | JP | Japan Transcity Corporation | www.trancy.co.jp/ | |
TROU | | troll | AT | Felix Troll Transport GmbH. | troll-transport.at | |
TRPU | | ttl | US | Tropical Trailer Leasing LLC. | www.tropicaltrailer.com/ | |
TRRC | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TRRU | | tri | US | Transport Resources Inc. | transportresources.com/ | |
TRSU | | gruppofedertrasporti | IT | Gruppo Federtrasporti SpA. | www.gruppofedertrasporti.it/ | |
TRSU | | trancy | JP | Japan Transcity Corporation | www.trancy.co.jp/ | |
TRSU | | trs | JP | Toyotsu PET Recycle Systems Co., Ltd. | www.toyota-tsusho.com/ | |
TRTU | | tradecraft | NL | CARU Containers BV. | www.carucontainers.com/ | |
TRTU | | cronos | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TRUU | | | CH | Tristar Engineering, Consulting & Logistics S.A. | www.tristar-sa.ch/ | |
TRVU | | | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TRXU | | cronos | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TRYU | | united stars | AE | Tristar Dubai (HQ) | www.tristar-group.co/ | |
TRZU | | transit | RU | Transit LLC. | transitllc.ru/ | |
TSAU | | tristar | IN | Tristar Container Services (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. | tristarcontainer.co.in/ | |
TSBU | | the storage box | CA | The Storage Box Inc. | www.thestoragebox.com/ | |
TSBU | | | BR | Tank Solution Ltda. | | |
TSCU | | transervice-1 | UA | Trans-Service-1 LLC. | www.trans-service-1.com.ua/ | |
TSCU | | tank system | JP | Tank System Co., Ltd. | www.tanksystem.co.jp/ | |
TSDR | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSFU | | soulbrain | KR | Soulbrain Co., Ltd. (Techno Semichem) | www.soulbrain.co.kr/ | |
TSGU | | | BM | Ventura Trading Ltd. | www.dole.com/ | |
TSGU | | tai shan gases co., ltd. | TW | Tai Shan Gases Co., Ltd. | www.tai-shan-gases.com.tw/ | |
TSHB | | cronos | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSHO | | scf | AU | SCF Containers International | www.scf.com.au/ | |
TSHU | | | BR | TSB Brazil Ltda. | totalstorage.com.br/ | |
TSKU | | eurosolaz | ES | ESK S.A. Euro Gas | www.solazo.com/ | |
TSLU | | tci seaways | IN | TCI Seaways Ltd. (Transport Corporation of India) | www.tciseaways.com/ | |
TSLU | | ts lines | TW | T.S. Lines Co., Ltd. | www.tslines.com/ | |
TSMD | | royal wolf | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSMU | | | TW | Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | www.tsmc.com/ | |
TSNB | | | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSOU | | | TW | Tong Seng Applied Materials Inc. | www.tsamteco.com/ | |
TSPD | | rail containers | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSPU | | tipes | IT | Cooperativa Paratori Genova A.R.L. | www.paratori.it/ | |
TSRU | | trans sinergia | RU | Trans Sinergia LLC. | transsin.ru/ | |
TSSD | | scf | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSSU | | ts lines | TW | T.S. Lines Co., Ltd. | www.tslines.com/ | |
TSSU | | | US | | | |
TSSV | | | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSTG | | cronos | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TSTU | | ts lines | TW | T.S. Lines Co., Ltd. | www.tslines.com/ | |
TSTU | | tankspeed fraikin | GB | Tankspeed Logistics Ltd. | tankspeedlogistics.eu/ | |
TSUU | | tsuno | JP | Tsuno Co., Ltd. | www.tsuno.co.jp/ | |
TSVU | | tcb | RU | Shipping Company Transit Sv. LLC. | transitsv.ru/ru | |
TSYU | | | RU | TS 94 LLC. | | |
TTBU | | ttbu | NL | Equipped4U BV. | equipped4u.eu/ | |
TTCU | | | IE | Trane Technologies International Ltd. | www.tranetechnologies.com/ | |
TTCU | | | FR | Atlantic Trans Containers | www.atcontainers.com/ | |
TTDU | | | CA | Transtainer Express Inc. | transtainerco.ca/ | |
TTEU | | | NO | TeamTec A/S | www.teamtec.no/ | |
TTIU | | | KR | Masters Global Logistics Inc. | www.mastersgls.com/ | |
TTKU | | | AE | Tristar Transport LLC. | www.tristar-group.co/ | |
TTLU | | | MT | Total Logistics Ltd. | www.totallogisticsltd.com/ | |
TTLU | | | US | Tropical Trailer Leasing LLC. | www.tropicaltrailer.com/ | |
TTLU | | tan thanh | VN | Tan Thanh Container Co., Ltd. | tanthanhcontainer.com/ | |
TTMU | | | MC | Titan Med Sarl. | www.titanmedmc.com/ | |
TTNU | | triton | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
TTOS | | toll | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TTOU | | total | AU | Total Containers Pty. Ltd. | totalcontainers.com.au/ | |
TTOU | | tote | US | Totem Ocean Trailer Express Inc. | www.totemaritime.com/ | |
TTPU | | | JP | TS transport.Co.,Ltd | www.tstrans.co.jp/ | |
TTPU | | | TW | Taiwan Pulp & Paper Corporation | www.tppc.com.tw/ | |
TTRU | | tropical | US | Tropical Shipping and Construction Company Ltd. | www.tropical.com/ | |
TTSU | | tradetrans | RU | TradeTrans LLC. | trade-trans.ru/ | |
TTUU | | | RU | Transtec LLC. | www.transtec.ru/ | |
TTVS | | | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TTWU | | tok taiwan co., ltd. | TW | Tok Taiwan Co., Ltd. | toktaiwan.com/ | |
TUCU | | | ES | Tucabi Container S.L. | www.tucabicontainer.es/ | |
TUFU | | transuniverse | BE | Transuniverse Forwarding NV. | www.transuniverse.be/ | |
TUMU | | | TM | OJSC “Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan” | www.tulm.tm/ | |
TUPU | | | FI | Tasokone Trading Oy. | www.tasokone.fi/ | |
TURU | | act | BE | ACT International | act-international.be/ | |
TUTU | | | GB | Shipping Container Consultans Ltd. | | |
TVOU | | overveld | NL | Transport van Overveld BV. | transportvanoverveld.nl/ | |
TVSU | | transvision | IN | Transvision Shipping Pvt. Ltd. | www.transvisionshipping.com/ | |
TWAU | | | US | Taylor - Wharton America Inc. | twcryo.com/ | |
TWBU | | torwesten | DE | Torwesten Spedition GmbH & Co. KG | www.torwesten-spedition.de/ | |
TWCU | | jj | HK | Thru World Company Ltd. | www.jinjiangshipping.com/ | |
TWDU | | | CN | Vision Hill Container Co., Ltd. | www.trawind.com/ | |
TWEU | | vitran | CA | Vitran Corporation Inc. | www.vitran.com/ | |
TWLU | | | HK | Take Well Ltd. | www.oceanfirst.com.hk/ | |
TWMU | | 4tess | PL | Aneltrans Piątkiewicz Sp.K. | www.aneltrans.pl/ | |
TWOU | | | US | 2M Transport LLC. | | |
TWPU | | | US | Tropical Western Pacific Program Office | www.arm.gov/capabilities/observatories/twp | |
TWRU | | tankway | SG | Peacock Container Pte. Ltd. | peacockcontainer.com/ | |
TWSU | | tws | DE | TWS Tankcontainer Leasing GmbH. & Co. KG. | www.tws-gmbh.de/ | |
TWWU | | | TM | Turkmen Ak Yol | www.tay.tm/ | |
TXAU | | | CN | Sky Star Advanced Materials Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. | www.skyisz.com/ | |
TXBU | | | US | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TXCU | | trans x | CA | TransX Ltd. | www.transx.com/ | |
TXGU | | tex | US | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TXPU | | scf | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TXSU | | cronos | AU | Toll Holdings Ltd. | www.tollgroup.com/ | |
TXTU | | | US | Textainer Equipment Management Ltd. | www.textainer.com/ | |
TXWU | | | CN | Shanghai Ace Investment & Development Co., Ltd. | www.aceonline.cn/ | |
TXXU | | | US | Trident Seafoods Co. | www.tridentseafoods.com/ | |
TYCU | | | CN | Tokuyama Chemicals (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. | www.tokuyama.net.cn/ | |
TYCU | | toyoinkgroup | JP | artience Co., Ltd. | www.artiencegroup.com/ | |
TYLU | | tai young | KR | Tai Young Shipping Co., Ltd. | www.taiyoungship.co.kr/ | |
TYMU | | | ES | Técnica y Manutención S.L. | www.tymsavlc.com/ | |
TYNE | | | AU | Tiger Containers | www.tigercontainers.com/ | |
TYNU | | | AU | Tiger Containers | www.tigercontainers.com/ | |
TYRU | | crs | IE | CRS Refrigiration Ltd. | www.crs.ie/ | |
TYSU | | | TW | Mitsubishi Chemical Taiwan Co., Ltd. | | |
TZIU | | | HK | Tazar Corp International Ltd. | tazarcorp.com/ | |
TZKU | | | TW | Sumisei Taiwan Technology Co., Ltd. | www.sumitomoseika.co.jp/ | |
TZRU | | | IT | Tazzetti SpA. | www.tazzetti.com/ | |