IAAU |  | interasia | SG | Interasia Lines Singapore Pte. Ltd. | www.interasia.cc/ | |
IACU |  | transmar | EG | International Associated Cargo Carrier | www.iacc.holdings/ | |
IAGU | | indermühle | CH | Indermühle AG. | www.indermuehle.ch/ | |
IAIU |  | | CA | Calian Antenna Solutions | www.calian.com/ | |
IAPU |  | holiday on ice | NL | Holiday on Ice Productions BV. | holidayonice.com/ | |
IATU |  | iat | DK | International Auto Transport A/S. | iat.dk/ | |
IBCU |  | ibc | NL | Den Hartogh Dry Bulk Logistics | www.denhartogh.com/ | |
IBFU |  | interbulk food | NL | Den Hartogh Dry Bulk Logistics | www.denhartogh.com/ | |
IBKU |  | | US | Interbulk Inc. | | |
IBLU |  | inbulk | GB | Inbulk Technologies Ltd. | www.denhartogh.com/ | |
IBMU |  | infotech baltika m | RU | Jsc. Infotech - Baltika M | www.infobm.ru/ | |
IBSU |  | | ES | Iberica Tankcontainers SL. | www.iberica-tankcontainerleasing.com/ | |
IBTU |  | den hartogh | NL | Den Hartogh Liquid Logistics bv. | www.denhartogh.com/ | |
IBXU |  | | JP | Innovation Thru Energy Co., Ltd. | www.icebattery.jp/ | |
ICAU |  | | US | Icon - International Container Service (America) LLC. | www.icon-container.de/ | |
ICBU |  | | SG | International Container Pool Pte. Ltd. | icpcontainer.com/ | |
ICCU |  | | ID | PT. Indo Container Line | iconline.co.id/ | |
ICDU |  | icon | DE | Icon - International Container Service GmbH. | www.icon-container.de/ | |
ICKU |  | infinity | MY | Infinity Logistics & Transport Sdn. Bhd. | www.infinity.com.my/ | |
ICLU | | icon | ID | PT. Indo Container Line | iconline.co.id/ | |
ICMU |  | | RU | Industrial Construction Machines LLC. | icmrus.com/ | |
ICMU | | ilchemi | KR | Ilchemi Logix Co., Ltd. | | |
ICOU |  | icon | DE | Icon - International Container Service GmbH. | www.icon-container.de/ | |
ICRU |  | | AE | Intercont Overseas FZE. | www.icos.ae/ | |
ICSU |  | transamerica | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
ICTU |  | tankspan | GB | Tankspan Leasing Ltd. | www.tankspan.com/ | |
ICUU |  | icl group | US | Independent Container Line Ltd. | www.icl-ltd.com/ | |
IDAU | | ida | AU | Ida Furniture Removals | idafurnitureremovals.com.au/ | |
IDCU |  | semen tiga roda | ID | PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa TBK. | indocement.co.id/ | |
IDGU |  | dinges | DE | Dinges Logistics | dinges-logistics.com/ | |
IDIU |  | | US | Irish Dawg Industries LLC. | irishdawg.com/ | |
IDLU |  | | IN | Indosol Chemie | www.indosolchemie.com/ | |
IDOU | | ido container | | | | |
IDSU | | pt. duta surya sukses | ID | PT. Duta Surya Sukses | dutasuryasukses.com/ | |
IDSU |  | swire | GB | Swire Oilfield Services Ltd. | swirees.com/ | |
IDTU |  | hawaii intermodal | US | Odyssey FoodTrans LLC. | www.odysseylogistics.com/ | |
IEAU |  | iea | BB | Seaco S.r.l. | www.seacoglobal.com/ | |
IECU |  | liquefied petroleum gas | GU | Marianas Gas Co. Dba. / Island Equipment Co. | www.iecoguam.com/ | |
IEIU | | | | | | |
IESU | | | | | | |
IFBU |  | | | | | |
IFDU | | ifd | US | International Freight Drone Inc. | internationalfreightdrone.org/ | |
IFFU |  | iff | NL | Den Hartogh Dry Bulk Logistics | www.denhartogh.com/ | |
IFLU |  | interflow | JP | NRS Ocean Logistics Ltd. | www.nrsgroup.co.jp/ | |
IFMU |  | | SG | Infinity Marine Pte. Ltd. | www.infinitimarine.com/ | |
IFRU |  | | AU | InfraBuild Trading Pty. Ltd. | www.infrabuild.com/ | |
IFSU |  | i4s | BE | Interface4solutions | www.imotionshipping.com/ | |
IFTU |  | ift | DE | Leibniz - Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.v. | www.tropos.de/ | |
IGDU |  | | TR | Mutlular Transport Ltd. Sti. | www.mutlulartransport.com/ | |
IGEU |  | | IE | Alpsanna Ltd. | www.alpsanna.com/ | |
IGIU | | coolmaster | US | iGas USA Inc. | www.igasusa.com/ | |
IGQU |  | | IT | General Transport Service SpA. | www.gtslogistic.com/ | |
IGSU |  | | DE | CDN- Container Depot Nürnberg GmbH. | www.igs-logistics.com/ | |
IHHU |  | infrabuild | AU | InfraBuild Trading Pty. Ltd. | www.infrabuild.com/ | |
IHOU |  | itt | US | Intermodal Tank Transport Inc. | www.intermodaltank.com/ | |
IHTU |  | itc | NL | ITC Holland Transport BV. | itchollandtransport.nl/ | |
IICU |  | iwatani | JP | Iwatani International Corporation | www.iwatani.co.jp/ | |
IIIU |  | | FR | Unauthorised prefix (on B.I.C. authority) | www.bic-code.org/ | |
IISU |  | un | CH | Intertrade International Services | www.iis-hq.com/ | |
IJCU |  | | DK | IJ-Container aps. | www.ij-container.dk/ | |
IJSU |  | ijsfabriek strombeek | BE | IJsfabriek Strombeek | www.ijsfabriekstrombeek.be/ | |
IKEU | | | JP | | | |
IKMU |  | | AE | Lloyds Maritime & Trading Ltd. (Ibrakom Group) | www.lmt.ae/ | |
IKRU |  | | | | | |
IKSU |  | | BM | Triton Container International Ltd. | www.tritoninternational.com/ | |
ILBU |  | ilb | NL | ILB Interfreight Logistics Benelux BV. | www.ilb-group.com/ | |
ILCU | | iwatani | JP | Iwatani Corporation | www.iwatani.co.jp/ | |
ILCU |  | transafe | IN | Transafe Services Ltd. | transafeservices.com/ | |
ILGU |  | ilg | AT | ILG Innovative Logistics Group GmbH. | www.ilg-logistics.com/ | |
ILHU |  | interlogistics | RU | Interlogistics LLC. | www.inter-logistics.ru/ | |
ILIU | | itt | US | Intermodal Tank Transport (USA), Inc. | www.intermodaltank.com/ | |
ILTU |  | | NL | Solvochem Holland BV. | www.solvochem.com/ | |
ILUU |  | iicl | US | Institute of International Container Lessors | www.iicl.org/ | |
IMBU |  | | RU | OOO Air Liquide | industry.airliquide.ru/ | |
IMEU |  | | ES | Direccion de Abastecimiento Ejercito de Tierra | www.defensa.gob.es/ | |
IMIU |  | | AR | Sullair Argentina S.A. | www.sullairargentina.com/ | |
IMKU |  | | MX | Industrias Konig S.A. de C.V. | inko.mx/ | |
IMMU |  | | MX | Industrias Monfel S.A. de C.V. | monfel.com/ | |
IMOU |  | | FR | Unauthorised prefix (on B.I.C. authority) | www.bic-code.org/ | |
IMPU |  | imperial | DE | Imperial Chemical Transport GmbH. | www.imperiallogistics.com/ | |
IMPU | | infiniti | SG | Infiniti Marine Pte. Ltd. | www.infinitimarine.com/ | |
IMSU |  | | IT | Immobiliare Stella S.r.l. | | |
IMTU |  | italia | IT | Italia Marittima SpA. | www.italiamarittima.it/ | |
IMTU | | inter mitra transindo | ID | PT. Inter Mitra Transindo | intermitra.id/ | |
IMWU |  | imwater | ES | ImWater Treatment Plants S.L. | www.imwater.es/ | |
INBU |  | interpool | US | SeaCube Container Leasing Ltd. | seacubecontainers.com/ | |
INCU | | iharanikkei chemical industry co.,ltd. | JP | Iharanikkei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. | www.iharanikkei.net/ | |
INCU |  | innovacioncontenedor | SG | Innovacion Contenedor Pte. Ltd. | www.innovacion-contenedor.com/ | |
INDU |  | | ES | Indox Energy Systems S.L. | www.indox.com/ | |
INEU |  | | EE | AS Ingle | www.ingle.ee/ | |
INFL |  | zephex | GB | | | |
INFU |  | innofreight | AT | Innofreight Speditions GmbH. | www.innofreight.com/ | |
INGU |  | trifleet | NL | Trifleet Leasing Holding BV. | trifleet.com/ | |
INIU |  | | IT | Innocenti Depositi SpA. | www.innocentidepositi.it/ | |
INKU |  | interpool | US | SeaCube Container Leasing Ltd. | seacubecontainers.com/ | |
INLU |  | transliner | SG | Transliner Pte. Ltd. | www.translinergroup.com/ | |
INNU |  | interpool | US | SeaCube Container Leasing Ltd. | seacubecontainers.com/ | |
INOU |  | | IN | Inox India Pvt. Ltd. | inoxcva.com/ | |
INRU |  | | RU | Logitex Invest LLC. | logitex-invest.ru/ | |
INSU |  | | PL | Instanta | www.instanta.pl/ | |
INTE |  | glava | NO | Intracon AS. | intracon.no/ | |
INTU |  | interpool | US | SeaCube Container Leasing Ltd. | seacubecontainers.com/ | |
INVU |  | | UA | Ingas AE. | ingas.ua/ | |
INXU |  | inox | SG | Inox Shipping Line Pte. Ltd. | www.inoxshipping.com/ | |
INYU | | | US | Infinity Transportation Logistics LLC. | infinityintermodal.com/ | |
IOBU |  | | US | BioCotech Americas Inc | biocotechamericas.com/ | |
IOLU |  | | IN | Intech Organics Ltd. | www.intech.org/ | |
IOOU |  | | US | InnoSepra LLC. | www.innosepra.com/ | |
IOUU |  | | HK | Trans Distance Line Ltd. | www.transdistanceline.com/ | |
IPCU | | idemitsu | JP | Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd. | www.idemitsu.com/ | |
IPFU |  | | FR | Institute Polaire Francais Paul Emile Victor. | institut-polaire.fr/ | |
IPGU |  | | AU | Instant Products Group Pty. Ltd. | instantproducts.com.au/ | |
IPIU |  | iris | PH | Iris Logistics Inc. | www.royalcargo.com/company/iris-logistics-inc/ | |
IPLU | | | US | IPL Management LLC. | iplport.com/ | |
IPOU |  | | EE | Intermodal Partnership OU. | www.intermodal.ee/ | |
IPRU | | inprase | ID | PT. Indah Prakasa Sentosa | www.inprasegroup.co.id/ | |
IPSU |  | | AU | Intermodal Solutions Group Pty. Ltd. | pittoship.com/ | |
IPTU |  | | AE | IPGS Trading DWC. LLC. | | |
IPXU |  | interpool | US | SeaCube Container Leasing Ltd. | seacubecontainers.com/ | |
IRCU | | intrusco | RU | Intrusco LLC | intrusco.ru/ | |
IREU |  | | DE | InterRail Europe GmbH. | www.interrail.ag/ | |
IRIU |  | | AU | IRS International | www.irs-worldwide.com/ | |
IRNU |  | interpool | US | SeaCube Container Leasing Ltd. | seacubecontainers.com/ | |
IROU |  | | IT | Ice Road SAS. | www.iceroad.it/ | |
IRSU |  | irisl | IR | Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines | www.irisl.net/ | |
IRUU |  | | FR | Unauthorised prefix (on B.I.C. authority) | www.bic-code.org/ | |
ISCU |  | | ES | Star Container Spain S.A. | www.starcontainer.es/ | |
ISDU |  | | IN | Indian Space Research Organisation | www.isro.gov.in/ | |
ISIU |  | isi | AT | ISI Automotive Austria GmbH. | www.isi.com/ | |
ISLU |  | isl | IN | Industrial Solvents & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. | www.iscpl.com/ | |
ISMU |  | | US | International Solutions Management | ism247.com/ | |
ISMU | | infinity | MY | Infinity Logistics and Transport Sdn. Bhd. | www.infinity.com.my/ | |
ISOU |  | | FR | Unauthorised prefix (on B.I.C. authority) | www.bic-code.org/ | |
ISOU |  | air liquide | NL | Air Liquide BV. | www.airliquide.com/ | |
ISRU |  | isr | CY | ISR Investment Ltd. | www.isrholding.com/ | |
ISTU |  | | GB | 1ST Containers UK Ltd. | www.1stcontainers.co.uk/ | |
ITAU |  | italia line | DE | Hapag Lloyd AG. | www.hapag-lloyd.com/ | |
ITCU |  | intercontainer | ES | Intercontainer S.A. | www.intercontainer.es/ | |
ITDU |  | intermodal trasporti | IT | Intermodal Trasporti S.r.l. | www.intermodaltrasporti.it/ | |
ITEU |  | ewals | BE | Move Intermodal NV. | www.move-intermodal.com/ | |
ITGU |  | itt | TR | ITT Uluslarararis Tas. San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. | itt.com.tr/ | |
ITGU | | | CN | Xiamen ITG Group Co., Ltd. | www.itg.com.cn/ | |
ITKU |  | inter tank | BR | Intertank Ltda. | www.intertank.com.br/ | |
ITOU | | | JP | Itochu Corporation | www.itochu.co.jp/ | |
ITQU |  | | IT | ITAC SpA. | www.itacspa.com/ | |
ITRU | | | | | | |
ITSU |  | e-way | SG | ISO Tank Management Pte. Ltd. | www.eway-alliance.com/ | |
ITTU |  | itt | US | Intermodal Tank Transport Inc. | www.intermodaltank.com/ | |
ITVU | | cockburn cement | AU | Cockburn Cement Ltd. | cockburncement.com.au/ | |
ITXU |  | | US | Interport Maintenance Co. Inc. | www.iport.com/ | |
IVEU | | | ES | | | |
IVLU |  | ivaran | DE | Hapag Lloyd AG. | www.hapag-lloyd.com/ | |
IVTU |  | | EE | Invicont OÜ. | invicont.ee/ | |
IVYU |  | ivy | CA | Ivy Global Logistics Ltd. | ivylogistics.ca/ | |
IWAU | | iwase | JP | Iwase transportation Inc. | www.iwase-group.co.jp/ | |
IWAU |  | i-way | CA | I-Way Transport Inc. | www.i-waytrans.com/ | |
IWGU |  | | DE | Internationale Wein u. Spirituosen Transporte GmbH. | www.iws-logistics.com/ | |
IWLU |  | | CH | Impala Terminals Group BV. | www.impalaterminals.com/ | |
IWRU |  | | DE | Internationale Wein u. Spirituosen Transporte Russia GmbH. | www.iws-logistics.com/ | |
IWTU |  | iwt | NL | International Warehousing and Transport BV. | www.iwt-nl.com/ | |
IXAU |  | | IN | Inox-Air Product Pvt. Ltd. | inoxairproducts.com/ | |
IXMU |  | ixom | AU | Ixom Operations Pty. Ltd. | www.ixom.com/ | |
IXXU |  | indaia | DE | Indaia Logistik GmbH. | indaiatanktainer.com/ | |
IZOU |  | | RU | Tenex Transport Systems Jsc. | tenex-ts.ru/ | |